Churches Together in Basildon


About Churches Together in Basildon

Churches Together in Basildon is a fellowship of churches which confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the Scriptures, and therefore seeks to fulfil together their common calling to the glory of the one God; Father Son and Holy Spirit.

Our vision is that in Basildon every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord to the Glory of God the Father.

Our objective is to enable the churches to bear a more united witness in the community and to serve it more effectively and enable to churches to do together those things that they are not able to do so well on their own.

CTB Meetings

CTB holds four general meetings a year where the church leaders and representatives can come and discuss the programme of events for the year. Each church may have two representatives other than the church leader who can take part in the meetings and additional people may come as observers.

These meetings generally take place on a Monday evening. These Church leaders and their representatives receive notice of the meetings and minutes of the proceedings by email or by post if they have no email address. Member churches can ask for items of interest or concern to be put on the agenda of the meeting or bring items up under any other business.

Members pay an annual subscription of £50. This covers our expenses of printing, insurance, copyright licence, data protection etc. Any monies left over at the end of the year are distributed to our linked charities.

CTB Programme of Events

CTB arranges a series of joint events for the churches of the town to take part in.

  • Three Celebrations a year on a Sunday evening, one in January, one around the time of Pentecost in May, and one in late September. Thse are times of celebrating together.
  • Three times a year we have a prayer breakfast or lunch giving an opportunity to remember God’s work in the town and in the wider community.
  • Seasonal events reflecting the church’s year. The walk of Witness in the town on Good Friday, with sunrise services early on Easter morning; in December we sing carols in Eastgate between 1 and 3pm usually the second Sunday in December and on Christmas eve around the wards at Basildon Hospital.

Other Activities

CTB also looks after various activities to serve the community and bring the Christian message to different parts of the community.


The School’s Team Ministry works in almost all the primary schools in the Basildon area taking assemblies.

Project 58.7: Feeding the Homeless

There are teams of workers who provide hot meals and fellowship for the homeless seven nights a week. There is more information about 58.7 on their page.


In the winter CTB provides nightly accommodation in various church halls so that the homeless will have somewhere warm to sleep.


CAP Christians against Poverty:

CTB has a team of trained counsellors who offer advice on financial management.

Trussle Foodbank:

We have links with the Trussle Foodbank.

Street Pastors:

Basildon has its own team of Street pastors that are out in the town centre on Friday Nights helping people in trouble.  Members of CTB also help at the bus that visits the Festival Leisure on Saturday nights to provide help for people when needed.